Watch this in-depth, expert-led webinar from Palliative Care Australia to equip yourselves with tools to deliver better experiences and outcomes for people receiving generalist palliative care.
The key tool that will guide you through this journey in primary care and aged care is the National Palliative Care Standards for All Health Professionals and Aged Care Services Ed. 1 (2022).
The National Palliative Care Standards are a set of voluntary standards, intended to guide healthcare providers to deliver high-quality primary palliative care for the person receiving care, their family and carers.
These Standards have been informed by the review of evidence and consultations nationally across the healthcare sector.
This webinar is your opportunity to take a deep dive into the Standards with sector leaders who will discuss the importance of having a framework for high quality palliative care regardless of the setting, and provide key strategies that you can take back to your everyday practice.
Meet the experts:
- Andrew Allsop – Director Clinical Operations, Palliative Care, Silver Chain Group
- Louis Christie – GP with a special interest in palliative care
- Prof Claire Johnson – Director, Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program (PACOP)
Watch the webinar: