Greater Choice at Home
Palliative Care Program
In partnership with a range of stakeholders, Healthy North Coast is improving the palliative and end-of-life care journey for residents of the Mid North Coast and Northern NSW.
The Greater Choice at Home Palliative Care Program has been informed by our Healthy Ageing Strategy (HAS) and our Palliative and End-of-Life Care Needs Assessment (PDF), which have helped to identify opportunities to enhance the provision of quality supportive palliative and end-of-life care for people in our region.
Healthy North Coast Palliative and End-of-Life Care Needs Assessment
The needs assessment is a deliverable of the Greater Choice at Home Palliative Care Program and has been developed based on sociodemographic information for the region overlayed with insights derived through a series of consultations.
These consultations took place across the region from May to November 2022 and included 181 people, from health providers, community members, volunteer organisations, peak bodies, and representatives of National Palliative Care projects.
Palliative and end-of-life care initiatives included under the Greater Choice At Home Palliative Care Program focus on:
In relation to ageing, loss, dying and grief.
To have increased confidence in starting conversations about end-of-life, and thinking about what is most important to them.
Through undertaking support and engagement activities in primary care and aged care to improve the skills, knowledge and confidence of workers in supporting quality at-home palliative care in our region. This includes education sessions and resources to support sector knowledge.
Working to integrate Primary Care with the other areas of the health care system to improve the journey for people living with a life-limiting illness, their carers and loved ones.