Aged care providers are reminded to regularly visit the NSW Health website to keep up to date with the latest advice and directions from NSW Health. As of 18:00 AEST Sunday 20 December the directions stated:
Until at least 11.59pm on Wednesday 23 December 2020:
- all residential aged care facilities across NSW must exclude visitors. Visitors performing essential caring functions may be exempted. Where there are exceptional circumstances (for example, a dying relative), seek advice from your local NSW Health public health unit on 1300 066 055
- all staff and exempted visitors must wear a surgical mask while in a residential aged care facility.
Any visitors for terminal residents will follow previous public health directives. This includes screening of visitors; no more than 2 visitors for 2 hours; full PPE for visitors and being escorted in and out of the resident’s room. Admissions into residential aged care facilities can still be coordinated using the facilities’ screening guidelines.
For further information, please see the Department of Health Update.
Healthy North Coast Support
During the holiday period, Healthy North Coast will have rostered staff available to support our clinicians and communities. You can reach us via email at [email protected]