Confirmed COVID-19 cases are associated with new Sydney locations and have been classified by NSW Health for action.
Latest Information
- Visit NSW Health for the latest COVID-19 case locations and alerts in NSW. This page includes information on areas with increased testing; self-isolation and testing; and monitoring for symptoms.
- QLD Government: up-to-date details on border restrictions for people seeking to enter Queensland. New border restrictions will come into effect from 1am AEST Saturday 19 December 2020 in response to the Sydney Northern Beaches COVID-19 cluster.
On the North Coast
With people travelling over the holiday break, it is quite possible the outbreak may affect those living in, or visiting, northern NSW. See below links to resources and support for our region.
Primary Care Resources
Localised COVID-19 support is available to practitioners via:
- HealthPathways – contains a comprehensive suite of local pathways
- Primary Care Impact – increasing patient and staff safety during COVID-19
COVID-19 Testing
Free assessment and COVID-19 testing are available across the NSW North Coast.
General practice respiratory clinic locations and opening hours are available on our interactive map.
NSW Health has a full list of COVID-19 testing clinics.
Be Prepared
The focus for primary care should continue to be:
- infection prevention and control
- patient triage when making appointments (ensure you are asking about recent travel to known hotspots)
- offering telehealth where indicated
- promoting testing for any mild symptoms
Healthy North Coast Support During the Holidays
During the holiday period, we will have rostered staff available to support our clinicians and communities. You can reach Healthy North Coast via email at [email protected]
This address will be closely monitored throughout the holidays.
Healthy North Coast Support
During the holiday period, Healthy North Coast will have rostered staff available to support our clinicians and communities. You can reach us via email at [email protected]