Many women find it hard to stop drinking alcohol while they are pregnant. Support without judgement is just a phone call away.
NSW Health is offering a free Get Healthy in Pregnancy coaching service for all pregnant women in NSW aged 16 and over.
The co-ordinator of Healthy Communities Mid North Coast, Amy Sawyer, says there could be any number of reasons why women find it hard to stop drinking in pregnancy.
“A recent study found that, in 2016, one in three women drank during their pregnancy in Australia,” Ms Sawyer said.
“Women working with their own personal health coach, however, have found it helps them to change their alcohol habits and stay motivated. It means having someone who will call you to check in on how you are going, without judgement.”
You can receive regular calls from your health coach from the comfort of your own home. These can be during the day, after work or after dinner – whatever time suits you.
Your health coach will stick by you throughout your pregnancy and you can stop receiving calls whenever you feel comfortable. All calls with your health coach are confidential.
Health coaches will help you make a plan, set achievable goals and share practical tools to change your habits and overcome barriers that stand in your way.
One participant in Get Healthy in Pregnancy, 32-year-old Melanie, said her phone call appointments were always friendly and informative.
“Every fortnight I am given a goal, in which I have been able to fully succeed in achieving,” Melanie said. “I look forward to my appointments and setting new goals, asking questions and being informed about getting healthy during pregnancy. I feel supported.”
You can sign up to the Get Healthy in Pregnancy service over the phone or online. Call 1300 806 258 or click here to use the simple online form.
More information is available here.