On Wednesday 30 May 2018, Red Dust Healing was brought to Coffs Harbour for the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community.
If you are unfamiliar with Red Dust Healing, it is founded on a cultural belief that we are one people, one mob who do not own but belong to this land. The program facilitates the understanding of rejection and grief and loss being the foundation of all hurt and gives participants the tools they need to overcome the barriers they are facing in their lives.
The day started off with people pouring through the doors, keen to hear facilitator Tom Powell’s words of healing and ancient wisdom. It was truly special seeing 110 people attend the day, from elders to community members, youth, the Aboriginal workforce, and people from all over.
On Thursday 31 May 2018, the Aboriginal Chronic Disease Conference was held in Coffs Harbour. The conference was aimed at the Integrated Team Care and the Aboriginal Chronic Care workforce from Tweed Heads to Port Macquarie. Over 40 participants from the Local Health District, Aboriginal Medical Services, Aboriginal Health Services and general practices attended.
A training workshop on the Origins of Chronic Disease was facilitated by Lisa Gardiner from SAL Consulting. Staff came together as one to learn about the origins of Chronic Disease. This day complimented Wednesday well as it delved into the impact of trauma, abuse and neglect in early life and how these impacts contribute to chronic disease. Lisa Gardiner was very engaging and used nature as a way of getting the key concepts of the workshop.
For both days artist Brenton Langton created an artistic interpretation of the two day event that captured the spirit and themes across both days.