February has been busy in Maclean for Healthy Towns, with projects funded and many plans being finalised. Read on to find out about some of the initiatives we have progressed so far.
Local Advisory Group
The Woolgoolga Local Advisory Group had their second meeting at the end of January. The group convened to review the progress of initiatives and get excited about the upcoming Healthy Towns Month (read more below).
Woopi Garden & Nutrition Project
Healthy Towns is currently working with the Woopi Community Garden to co-design some garden and nutrition workshops to be held at the Woopi Garden. The working group has met twice this month and is excited to be progressing this initiative.
The gardens are under construction until the end of March, with a new communal space and kitchen being built. The gardening, cooking and nutrition workshops won’t commence until this construction has finished around mid-year.
Woolgoolga Interagency Meeting
The Woolgoolga Interagency Group met for the third time on 4 February and had over 25 attendees. The meetings continue to be popular, with attendees enjoying the opportunity to meet and connect with fellow service providers and community groups.
The next meeting will be held on 1 April 2019. To RSVP, please email Jacqui at [email protected].
Everbetter Bunch – Men’s Social Connection Program
The Everbetter Bunch men’s group is underway, with eight consistent attendees attending bi-weekly training sessions with Personal Trainer Marty Symmons at Nexus Gym.
The group also meet for coffee catch ups, attending local community groups such as Fluro Friday. Guest speakers attend to speak on various health and wellbeing topics. The most recent guest speaker was Sam Obsorne from the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program.
For more information, please contact program coordinator Marty Symmons on 0407 307 910 or [email protected].
Indian Men’s Physical Activity Program
The Indian men’s physical activity program is aimed at Indian men aged 50+ in the Woolgoolga Community, particularly those at risk of lifestyle-related chronic disease such as heart disease or type 2 diabetes.
There are currently 12 participants attending bi-weekly exercise classes at Woolgoolga Personal Training for 12 weeks.
For more information, please contact program coordinator Simon Peutrill on 0418 319 929 or [email protected].
Healthy Towns Month
Preparation for Healthy Towns Month is well underway! This event will bring together health and wellbeing providers in Woopi for a month-long range of activities.
The working group has had two co-design meetings for this project and are currently finalising the plan for Healthy Towns Month, which is due to run throughout May 2019.
The Woolgoolga Chamber of Commerce will be coordinating this event. If you would like to learn more information about how your organisation or business can get involved, please contact the program coordinator Lisa Nichols at [email protected].
Mental Health Support (Suicide Support)
Rose Hogan from the Standby Response Service will be running a suicide response workshop with Sam Osborne (Rural Adversity Mental Health Program) on Friday 5 April 2019 from 10am-12:30pm to support those affected by recent suicide.
For more information, please contact Rose at [email protected].