Did you know that there are more than 4,400 amputations every year in Australia as a result of diabetes? Around 85% of diabetes related amputations are preventable if wounds are detected early and managed appropriately.
Patients with diabetic foot ulcers have morbidity and mortality rates on par with aggressive forms of cancer. People with diabetes hospitalised for lower limb amputation have longer stays in hospital than other diabetes-related conditions. The average length of stay is around 26 days.
The statistics are overwhelming and they are climbing.
Diabetes Australia is raising a call to action to end diabetes related amputations within a generation. Click to watch their video campaign.
You can contribute to this campaign by raising community awareness so that people check their feet regularly. Too many Australians living with diabetes are missing out on vital foot checks because they aren’t aware of what they need to do to look after their feet.
It is essential to talk to diabetes patients about foot care, making sure they know the warning signs and when it is important to seek help.
Click here for ‘Caring For Your Feet’ information for patients.
You can learn more by visiting the HealthPathway for Diabetic Foot Screening.
For a list of all localised pathways see:
Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways
Username:Â manchealth
Password:Â conn3ct3d
More Than 2000 Australians Die from Skin Cancer Each Year
Multidisciplinary Opioid Events in Nambucca and Kempsey