Did you know that HealthPathways’ New and Updated Pathways feature is updated daily on the homepage?
To view what is most current, visit Mid & North Coast HealthPathways and enter these login details…
Username: manchealth
Password: conn3ct3d
Each entry provides the following information:
- Date a new pathway or update is published
- Pathway name, which links directly to the pathway for quick access
- Links to a brief outline of changes
Have You Noticed the New Health System News Section on the Homepage?
The news section on the homepage updates regularly. Here is a sample of some of the information you will find:
- NSW Health Infectious diseases alerts and media releases
- NSW Health Vaccination Updates
- RAGP recent updates
- Important HealthPathways technical layout changes
- My Health Record Updates
There is also a link to ‘View archived news…’ Here you will locate archived news items previously displayed on the homepage.
For a list of all localised pathways see:
Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways
Username: manchealth
Password: conn3ct3d
For further information about HealthPathways email [email protected] or [email protected].