If you think about it, we are living in a way where being unhealthy has become normal. Half of the adults and more than one in five children living in NSW are overweight or obese (extremely overweight).
Of course carrying too much weight has a bad effect on our health, increasing our chances of getting heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
If you are reading this and wondering if you are healthy or unhealthy, you can take this short quiz to find out.
NSW Health is keen to change what we now consider to be ‘normal’. It’s running the Make Healthy Normal campaign to make us stop and think about our current ideas of what is normal.
The campaign is also offering you simple steps and small changes to make healthier choices – creating a new, healthy normal.
Every day we can choose to do things a little differently and reap the rewards of better health and vitality.
Such as:
Stay tuned to this monthly newsletter for more tips and ideas on how to Make Healthy Normal.
And if you can’t wait, visit the Make Healthy Normal website: https://www.makehealthynormal.nsw.gov.au
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