If you’re a woman living with disability we’d love to hear from you! Your feedback today COULD HELP SAVE LIVES TOMORROW.
Women aged 48-65 years (and their carers or care workers) from the Tweed and Richmond Valley are being invited to have an informal confidential chat to our specialised team about women’s cancer screening.
Refreshments and a thank you gift will be provided. Convenient location.
Richmond Valley: Monday 26th Feb
Tweed Valley: Tuesday 27th Feb

BreastScreen NSW and the NSW Cervical Screening Program seek to increase women’s participation in breast and cervical cancer screening. The Women’s Cancer Screening Collaborative (WCSC) Consumer Research aims to explore the barriers for women in the Tweed Valley NSW for participating in breast and cervical cancer screening.Women living with disability are one of the most underscreened groups in the North Coast region.
The information gathered from this research will support participating agencies to increase women’s access to health services.
For further details, or to have a confidential chat, please contact Aimee McNeil on 0437 737 191 or email [email protected]
You can also register your interest below and Aimee will contact you at a convenient time.