There has been a flurry of activity for Healthy Towns in Maclean, with a number of projects funded and many plans finalised.
Gulmarrad Gatherings
Gulmarrad Gatherings continue to draw many community members. The March gathering was the fourth of its kind. It was well attended, with not only community members but the five candidates in the state election who came along to give their support.
A large group of students from the KMA Clarence Valley Black Belt Success School were in attendance. KMA is a new and fun way to keep you, and your kids, fit and healthy while learning valuable life skills. Led by Eric Blair, the group gave a fun and interactive demonstration. There was also a toy swap and opportunities for local residents to connect with each other.
The Gulmarrad Gathering group currently meet on the road verge, but they have been working hard to acquire permanent fenced facilities in Gulmarrad… somewhere that the 1,700 adults and children of Gulmarrad can exercise and connect socially.
Gulmarrad Gatherings take place every second Saturday of the month from 4 – 6 pm at the red bench on Brooms Head Road.
Tai Chi & Walking Groups
Our two new groups continue to be a success.
- Tai Chi every Monday from 1pm-2pm has moved to the Bowling Club and has commenced again for the year. Cost $36 for six weeks or $8 per class. Contact Linda on (02) 6620 7519.
- Heart Foundation Walking Group every Friday at 7am from the Rotunda near the Bowling Club. Each week new walkers are joining its such a wonderful start to Friday.
Youth Hub
The New School of Arts has been funded to run a youth hub drop-in centre twice a week in Maclean. This project will be jointly run by Clarence Valley Council. The drop-in service will run on Mondays from 3:30pm – 5:30pm at the CWA Hall and Fridays from 3:30pm – 5:30pm at Wherrett Park. They will commence in the next month, so watch this space for the commencement date.
Clarence Valley Women Inc
Clarence Valley Women Inc. will be holding their annual Women’s Wellbeing Day in Gulmarrad this year. Healthy Towns is providing a contribution of funding to allow the day to progress. It will be held at the Gulmarrad School on 25 May 2019. The wellbeing focus fits well with Healthy Towns and we are excited to be part of the project.
Youth Driver Training
Healthy Towns has funded the New School of Arts, in a partnership with Clarence Valley Council, to identify and support youth who need to build up their 120 hours of driver training. The project will allow participants to attend the PCYC Safe Driver program (credit 20 hours) and also support them to gain a licence, reducing social isolation of vulnerable youth.
What’s On Calendar
The calendar is in the final draft and ready for the printers. The Maclean Business Chamber will be assisting with distribution. A link to the electronic version will be placed on the NCPHN website when it is completed.
Maclean Service Centre
We are currently finalising the details of the Maclean Service Centre in partnership with the Clarence Valley Council. This will be a once-a-week open space for community members to go to learn about services, service groups and health and wellbeing linkages across Maclean. The service is planned to commence in June 2019.
Farewell to Carolyn
Senior Project Officer Carolyn Ardler finished in her role on 27 March 2019.
Carolyn has done an outstanding job bringing together a wide range of people, organisations and initiatives through the Healthy Towns program. She has been instrumental in catalysing many community projects in Maclean and has built new relationships and friendships along the way.
We wish you all the best in your new role, Carolyn. You will be missed!
Please forward all correspondence regarding Healthy Towns Maclean to the Healthy Towns Program Co-ordinator Sarah Robin at [email protected].