Do you want to increase your health and fitness in an outdoor setting for free?
To build confidence using the new outdoor exercise equipment at Crawford Square in Casino, you are invited to take part in a four-week “come and try” program for residents of all ages and abilities.
The program starts Monday 19 November 2018, 10:30am – 12pm. Subsequent sessions will be held on 26 November, 3 December and 10 December from 10:30 am – 11:30 am.
Program topics include:
- Safety
- Warm up
- Balance training
- Core stability
- Resistance bands
Instructed by a qualified exercise professional, we invite you to come along and give it a go!
Please register with Linda by phoning 0423 956 585.
This program is presented by North Coast Primary Health Network’s Healthy Towns program and the Northern NSW Local Health District.