Primary Care Access
Codesign series information
Welcome to the Primary Care Access project codesign series and thank you for being a participant. Your willingness to join us is vitally important to changing things for the better.
We are looking forward to this codesign series and expect it to be challenging, illuminating and ultimately game-changing.
By the end of the codesign series, we will have a new and innovative service solution (or solutions) we want to commission for our region.
Patterns and traditions in health care service delivery are deeply embedded in our thinking. It’s truly hard to imagine things any other way. But that is our challenge in this codesign series.
To assist with this, please see some innovation ideas and come along and be prepared to:
- think about things in a new way and convert into possible practical solutions
- listen to and work with other people’s ideas constructively and positively
- stay open, even when you have doubt.
Remember: ‘the difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping old ones’ (John Maynard Keynes).
Please visit our Primary Care Access webpage to see:
- a two-page data summary (PDF) to take into codesign
- a longer data update report (PDF) with low urgency emergency department presentations and GP presentations to 2021.
The web page also has our original analysis, Health system demand on the North Coast: Identifying and addressing primary care access issues through a service planning approach (PDF, 1.3MB) and shorter two-page overview (PDF, 797KB).
The group is made up of:
- consumers
- the Primary Care Access Reference Group and other content experts
- local stakeholders including GP, Aboriginal medical services, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, social services and education
- Healthy North Coast executive
- shortlisted lead provider organisations.
Five lead provider organisations have been shortlisted through a public expression of interest to find suitably qualified and experienced organisations to co-design and establish new, more accessible service solutions that improve access for young people in our region.
Having the shortlisted lead provider organisations with us will ensure the codesign series ends in a deliverable service solution.
This will be a two-way process – we will learn from them, and they will learn from everyone in the codesign series.
At the end of the codesign process, these five organisations will be invited to tender for the solution we develop.
Because we are exploring possible service solutions and sharing experiences, confidentiality is critical.
A signed confidentiality agreement is required from all participants.
You will not be able to participate without providing a signed confidentiality agreement form.
For ease and efficiency, you will be emailed an electronic confidentiality agreement. You can sign and submit this agreement from your computer – a couple of clicks with your mouse and you are done. Please contact Camille Drury, Wellness Project Officer at [email protected] if you have not received your electronic confidentiality agreement in DocuSign.
All sessions will be recorded for probity purposes. These will not be disseminated publicly but will be shared with the five shortlisted lead provider organisations who may wish to hear the discussion in each breakout room.
Our facilitators for the codesign series are from Social Ventures Australia, a not-for-profit consulting firm. Jen Ehlers and a talented team of associates will run the codesign sessions, bring out the best in us, and keep us on task. For those of you who like detail, please see:
- Plan for sessions 1 and 2 (PDF, 996 KB)
- Plan for session 3 (PDF, 907 KB)
- Plan for session 4 (PDF, 2MB)
As all sessions will be held online, group size is restricted to a maximum of 35 people. Facilitators will use four breakout rooms of 6–10 people for maximum interaction and participation.
Session 1: Re-imagining (online)
Short presentations re-imagining the future
30 November 2021 (9 am – 1 pm)
Session 2: Ideas generation (online)
Workshopping practical solutions for the future
30 November 2021 (9 am – 1 pm)
Session 3: Consumer testing (online)
Consumer testing vision and ideas from sessions 1 and 2.
7 December 2021 (2 pm – 4:30 pm)
Session 3 (a): Consumer testing Kempsey (online)
Consumer testing vision and ideas from sessions 1 and 2.
28 January 2022 (3 pm – 5 pm)
Session 4: Dominant Codesign Ideas (online)
Use combined synthesis of sessions 1, 2 and 3 to inform solutions.
1 February 2022 (3 pm – 5 pm)
Social Ventures Australia has synthesised the codesign sessions:
- Synthesis of sessions 1 and 2 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Synthesis of session 3 (PDF, 322 KB)
- Combined synthesis of sessions 1, 2 and 3 (PDF, 387 KB)
- Synthesis of session 4 including feedback from consumer testing session 3(a) Kempsey (PDF, 615 KB)
For general questions about the codesign series, please contact Bernadette Carter [email protected] 0427 026 276
To discuss a concern about any part of the codesign process including confidentiality, conflicts of interest or other issue, during or after the sessions, please address this to: commis[email protected]