Murwillumbah Midwifery Group Practice (MMGP) is a low-risk birthing option for women in Northern NSW.
The Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) is covered by Medicare through NSW Health and is located at the Birth Centre at the Murwillumbah District Hospital. The MGP model of care provides continuity of maternity care by a known midwife throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and the early weeks following the birth of your baby. This is known as ‘continuity of care’. You will have your primary midwife’s phone number.
All of your appointments will be at the Birth Centre with your known midwife, where possible. Where it is not possible to be seen by your own midwife, another midwife from MGP will see you. This may include when you are in labour. MMGP will provide you with an opportunity to meet all/most of the midwives from their team that could care for you throughout your journey.
Your birth will take place in the Birth Centre and mums/babies who are well will be discharged home 4 to 6 hours after birth, and followed up with a postnatal visit at home within 12 to 24 hours of birth.
If complications arise during or after the birth, you and your baby can be transferred to Tweed Valley Hospital for the required care. Ongoing postnatal care is then personalised to you and the needs of your baby, and consists of regular home visits in the first week, followed by weekly home visits for 4 weeks after the birth of your baby. MMGP offer a 24-hour service for women expecting to birth.
MMGP midwives are guided by NSW Health guidelines and the Australian College of Midwives national guidelines for consultation and referral. They will also closely consult with obstetrics and gynaecology doctors at Tweed Valley Hospital when necessary.
Women should apply for MGP care if they are:
- healthy with an uncomplicated pregnancy
- planning an active labour & birth
- happy to go home within 4 to 6 hours of birth (if mum and baby are well)
Referral to the Murwillumbah Group Practice is easy using Healthlink eReferrals directly from your medical software. For further information on using eReferrals, please visit the Integrated Care website.
For more information, visit the Murwillumbah Midwifery Group Practice website or download their flyer.