World Hepatitis Day takes place annually on 28 July, bringing the world together to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change.
The aim for World Hepatitis Day 2024 in Australia is to mobilise action on the elimination of viral hepatitis in Australia.
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are viruses that cause damage to your liver. They can be chronic, which means you could have them your whole life. Without treatment, they can lead to liver disease or liver cancer.
Find out more about hepatitis B and C.
Males in the North Coast region have a higher rate of hepatitis C notifications in all ages compared to the NSW average (80.3 notifications per 100,000 population, compared to 55.4 in NSW).
Thankfully, hepatitis B has effective treatment and a vaccine, while hepatitis C has a cure and is preventable.
Download the 2024 hepatitis factsheet or visit to get support or find out more.