Lung function (or pulmonary function) tests assist with the diagnosis, staging and monitoring of respiratory conditions.
These range from simple tests such as spirometry that can be performed in a clinic or practice through to more complex tests that are performed in specialised respiratory laboratories.
Chronic respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are common, but it is estimated that around 50% of people with COPD are unaware they have it (1).
This lack of awareness can result in delays accessing treatments and increases the risk of poorer outcomes and preventable hospital admissions.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people receiving spirometry has been significantly lower than usual. Spirometry monitoring (MBS item 1506) in primary care has decreased by almost 70% since 2019 (2) and new spirometry for diagnosis is also down considerably. Less testing means fewer people accurately diagnosed.
Accessing diagnostic lung function testing in Northern NSW is now easier, with the Lismore Base Hospital Respiratory Laboratory providing a range of diagnostic services again, under the guidance of two staff specialist respiratory physicians.
NNSW-LHD also provides a range of community respiratory services including respiratory education and pulmonary rehabilitation. For further information around available services and supports for people with chronic respiratory disease, please see HealthPathways.
Referral criteria and details for the Lismore Base Hospital respiratory laboratory are also available on HealthPathways.
1) Lung Foundation Australia 2022. Transforming the agenda for COPD: A path towards prevention and lifelong lung health- Lung Foundation Australia’s Blueprint for Action on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 2022-2025. Milton, Queensland: Lung Foundation Australia
2) Services Australia. Australian Government. MBS Item Reports.