The Ballina Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) is a grassroots committee committed to connecting, advocating, and improving outcomes for individuals directly impacted by cancer. With a focus on local advocacy, they’ve been dedicated to aiding those affected by cancer in our community.
Research has highlighted a pressing need for accessible support. While medical decisions are discussed, the subsequent journey through treatment triggers a roller coaster of emotions, which is often uncharted territory for many.
In response, BCAN has developed a comprehensive brochure that compiles a range of available support groups across the Northern Rivers region. Support groups can give people the chance to meet and talk with people who have been through or are going through similar experiences.
The brochure serves as a tool for healthcare professionals to offer patients and caregivers the resources patients struggle to locate, providing essential details regarding transportation, home assistance, and other inquiries commonly posed to social workers.
GPs can have a pivotal role in sharing this brochure with patients, encouraging them to proactively explore the various support avenues.