alcohol and other drugs

Our vision is to strengthen the capacity of community alcohol and other drugs treatment services to respond effectively to the needs of individuals, families and communities throughout North Coast NSW.


This will be achieved by:

  • Increasing the quality and effectiveness of drug and alcohol treatment services on the North Coast, using co-design methodology within a commissioning framework to stimulate and grow person- centred services that are culturally safe and best fit for regional needs
  • Improving client outcomes and experience through greater coordination and integration, and working with all partners in the health and social services sectors
  • Ensuring quality assurance processes are in place using an evidence-based approach to plan and deliver commissioned services, and valid data to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness
  • Addressing inequities in access to drug and alcohol treatment services for hard-to-reach groups, especially Aboriginal peoples
  • Strengthening the knowledge, skills and confidence in effective and culturally safe treatment practices and holistic care among the generalist and specialist workforce across the spectrum of drug and alcohol services throughout the region
  • Improving the efficiency of services and increasing value for money through an ethically sound, collaborative commissioning model that draws on strong community and clinician input.

Drug And Alcohol Fact Sheet

Our Needs Assessment provided significant insights into the health needs of our region. Examples of findings include that

1/ Across the NCPHN region, 28.4% of residents aged over 16 years consumed alcohol at levels that pose a lifetime risk to health (higher than the state average of 26.1%).

2/ The North Coast region has the second highest rate of people over 14 years who used a least one of 16 illegal drugs in the previous 12 months.

3/ Our communities report drug and alcohol misuse as their highest health issue concern.

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