The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, in conjunction with NCPHN, delivered seven education events on Chronic Pain Management in General Practice between November 2016 and March 2017. 133 Clinicians attended the training: 32 GPs, 74 Nurses and 27 Allied and Other Health staff. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with 97% rating the workshop as Good or Excellent.
The workshop learning outcomes included:
Following each education event participants were asked what they would change to their practice as a result of their learnings. Responses included:
Chronic Pain specific “GP management plans” have been developed in Word, Best Practice and Medical Director compatible formats. These are available for download via the “Pain Management – Persistent Non Cancer Pain” HealthPathway found at
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Further information is available by contacting Megan Maitland, NCPHN Senior Project Officer, [email protected], telephone: 07 5589 0524 or NCPHN website.