The First 2000 Days webinar series aims to build the capacity of Mid North Coast service providers and health professionals who support families and young children with the priority health areas identified in the first 2000 days.
The Mid North Coast Local Health District’s (MNCLHD) Health Promotion team invites health professionals to attend session 3 – Get Healthy in Pregnancy – on 6 July from 10:00am – 11:30am.
Bri Ellen is a Health Promotion Officer and Dietician with MNCLHD. Her current role addresses gestational weight gain through the implementation of a shared governance model with MNCLHD Maternity Services.
Registration is essential to attend the workshop. For more information and to register visit the Blue Sky Training and Events page.
Session 3 learning objectives:
- increase your understanding of the importance of the first 2000 days and actions that can be taken to promote better lifetime outcomes
- increase your confidence to engage in conversations about Get Healthy in Pregnancy
- increase your awareness of and referrals to the Get Healthy in Pregnancy Service
- increase your confidence to refer to local antenatal services and the Get Healthy in Pregnancy Service.
The webinar series is split into 13 sessions
- The Importance of the First 2000 Days (8 June)
- Antenatal Care, Frances Guy (29 June)
- Get Healthy in Pregnancy (6 July)
- Early Breastfeeding (25 July)
- Tresillian – Navigating early parenting (2 August)
- Nutrition and Feeding (17 August)
- Child and Family Health Nurses (31 August)
- Perinatal Infant Mental Health (21 September)
- Oral Health (28 September)
- Refugee Health (11 October)
- Smoking Cessation Support (TBA)
- Speech Pathology (16 November)
- Physical Activity and Screen time (22 November)
Recordings will be uploaded on the MNCLHD First 2000 Days page, along with resources to support your practice.
Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways
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