A suicide attempt is rarely an event that can be easily shrugged off. It may even make it more difficult to overcome the situation or life events that led up to the attempt. Lifeline says it’s important to remember that you are not alone and there is always hope.
Research shows that attempt survivors have an increased risk of suicidal behaviours, so it’s important for them to access support through family and friends and services such as Lifeline Mid North Coast’s Eclipse. This new support group was set up late last year.
Lifeline Mid North Coast Chief Executive Catherine Vaara said it was heartwarming to see Eclipse members find the solutions they needed and move forward.
“By drawing on the lived experiences of others, members resonated and supported each other through the 8-week support cycle and the results were outstanding. Members found hope and connection in a non-judgemental space and had conversations about reasons for living and strategies to keep safe,” said Ms Vaara.
One Eclipse member shared their story.
“For me, I have walked this path for so long alone, thinking I was selfish for attempting to end my life, to end the pain that was constantly in my head. Living a life like a chameleon, knowing there is still stigma in our society, hiding my real self for fear of discrimination. Meeting other participants in the group environment of Eclipse showed me that there are people who understand, really understand and who helped me feel “normal” for the very first time in my life! Knowing that the meetings were confidential and I was in a safe environment, I was able to be myself and this was quite confronting! Who was I really? Soon I realised that there was no one there to judge me and the feeling of “fitting in” was very uplifting. I felt safe and cared for! Finally someone who listened, really listened…”
Eclipse starts on 14 August 2018. People who are interested in joining the group should phone Kelly or Lee-Ann on 6581 2800 or email: [email protected]
If you need help or support now, contact:
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Line – 1300 659 467
- Beyondblue – 1300 224 636
- Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800