HealthInfo Blog is an information and research blog for health professionals, compiled by Mid North Coast Local Health District Librarians. The blog links you to the latest health reports, research tools and significant health news so you can keep up to date with the most relevant health information.
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Here is a summary (with links) of postings over the past two months.
Links to recent health reports:
Research tools, websites and guidelines:
General research, news and journal articles:
For all the details on these topics, and many others, click on the links above, or browse the contents at
- Pharmacology in nursing/ Broyles, Bonita. 615.10994 BRO 2017
- Health assessment made incredibly visual! / Willis, Laura M. 616.0754 HEA 2017
- Oxford handbook of key clinical evidence. / 610.72 OXF 2017
- Transformational leadership in nursing : from expert clinician to influential leader / Marshall, Elaine S., Broome, Marion 362.173068 TRA 2017
- Weinberg’s color atlas of pediatric dermatology / Kristal, Leonard, Prose, Neil S. Weinberg, Samuel 616.5 PRO 2017
- Length, strength and Kinesio tape : muscle testing and taping interventions / Bridges, Thuy, Bridges, Clint 612.76 BRI 2017
- Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research : appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence / Gray, Jennifer, Grove, Susan K., Sutherland, Suzanne 610.73072 GRA 2017
- Research methods in health : foundations for evidence-based practice / Liamputtong, Pranee 610.72 RES 2017
- Understanding nutrition book Whitney, Eleanor Noss, Rady Rolfes, Sharon Crowe, Tim, Walsh, Adam 613.2 WHI 2016 2016
- Regenerative Medicine- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. 27(4) 2016
- Marshall & Ruedy’s on call : principles & protocol / Brown, Anthony F. T. Cadogan, Mike. Celenza, Antonio. Marshall, Shane A. John, Ruedy 616.025 MAR 2017
- A concise guide to personality disorders/ Paris, Joel 616.8581 PAR 2015
- The Australian immunisation handbook. / 614.470994 AUS 2013
- Fitzpatrick’s color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology. / Wolff, Klaus Johnson, Richard Allen, Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. 615.5 FIT 2009 (donated)
- Pancreatic Cancer and Periampullary Neoplasms- Surgical Clinics of North America. 96(6) 2016
- Violence- Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 39(4) 2016