The site for the new $73 million Macksville Hospital was announced late last year.
The new hospital will be built adjacent to the Pacific Highway, three kilometres north of the town.
The Minister for Maritime, Roads and Freight and Member for Oxley, Melinda Pavey, said the designs would be exhibited to the community early this year, with work on the new site on track to begin mid-year.
“I’m particularly proud that we are able to deliver a ‘greenfield site’ which will provide a modern, purpose-built facility providing contemporary health services to the people of the Nambucca Valley and the broader region.
“The Macksville Hospital Development will include improved facilities in emergency, community health, operating theatres, maternity and in-patient units, as well as improved ambulatory care and outpatient treatments,” Mrs Pavey said.
The Mid North Coast Local Health District – in partnership with Health Infrastructure – is facilitating regular Project User Group meetings which will ensure the best clinical outcomes for the community.
“These groups are made up of clinicians and other staff, patients, carers, as well as members of the community who provide valuable and ongoing insight into the redevelopment,” she said.
This article was originally published in The Pulse (Mid North Coast Local Health District), February 2018.
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