Did you know that mental disorders are among the most common health problems during pregnancy and the perinatal period?

The Statewide Outreach Perinatal Service for Mental Health (SwOPS-mh) is a perinatal psychiatry service caring for women living in rural areas who are suffering from moderate to severe mental health problems during pregnancy and the perinatal period. The service aims to strengthen specialist mental health care for pregnant women, mothers, their infants and families throughout NSW. The SwOPS-mh model of service aims to minimise risk, improve mother and infant outcomes and avoid unnecessary separation of the mother from her baby. The service is family focussed, partner inclusive and empowers parenting as a focus of recovery.
The SwOPS-mh model delivers a range of services on an outreach basis and via telehealth (teleconference, videoconference and web/online conference) services. Working within a consultation-liaison model, SwOPS-mh can provide clinician-to-clinician consultation for GPs and direct assessment of women via telehealth.
SwOPS-mh will respond to requests for:
- Preconception counselling - advice and assistance in relation to women with a history of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, mood disorders and anxiety disorders and (where indicated) their partners
- Assessments and recommended treatment plans for women in the pregnancy and the postnatal period who are experiencing complex mental health problems
- Supervision and education - provision of clinical and reflective/educative supervision and perinatal/infant mental health education
Clinical responsibility for the patient will remain with the health professional/service provider requesting the SwOPS-mh assessment and/or consultation.
Click here to learn more about this service.
You can contact SwOPS-mh during business hours on
02 8890 3617, or email
[email protected].