Haemochromatosis is a common genetic condition causing too much iron.
We all know that not enough iron causes health problems, but, for some, too much iron is also a problem. If undetected and untreated, the excess iron can cause organ or tissue damage, potentially resulting in premature death.
If haemochromatosis is detected before damage occurs, it can be easily treated and is no barrier to a happy and successful life.
Iron Out Your Health Campaign
Haemochromatosis Australia has commenced a social media campaign to let Australians aged 20-35 know about hereditary haemochromatosis. The campaign encourages family members of a person with hereditary haemochromatosis to talk to their GP about their family history.
Stories by people with the condition are available to view here.
Red25Â is a life-saving social responsibility program run by The Australian Blood Service. It provides an opportunity for workplaces and community groups around Australia to unite and save lives through blood donation.
Haemochromatosis Australia encourages therapeutic donors (and their friends and families) to be part of this program by joining the Haemochromatosis Australia-NSW Red25 group.
To join the group, visit the Australian Blood Service website or call the Haemochromatosis Australia info line on 1300 019 028.
For more information, please contact Haemochromatosis Australia President, Dianne Prince on 1300 019 028 or email [email protected].