North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) invites you to grab your lunch and join our fortnightly Lightning Lunchtime webinars on the Patient Centred Medical Home.
The webinars feature Dr Tony Lembke, Dr Dan Ewald and other local and international guests tackling topics relating to how general practices can provide the highest level of accessible, comprehensive, coordinated and person-centred care. In other words, how they can be like a medical home.
Previous webinars have touched on:
Is Your Practice a Medical Home?
This webinar answers the question ‘what is a medical home’ and provides practical steps on what to do to commence the journey. The focus of the PCMH program is on quality innovation and Tony comments that “the joy of practice is innovation”.
Is Your Practice Leading Change?
Webinar 2 focuses on change management and how to lead quality innovation to fruition. Tony and Dan discuss the work of John Kotter and Paul Plsek. John is the author of the book Leading Change and he developed the Change Checklist. The checklist is a series of 10 questions which will help you get started on your change journey. Paul Plsek’s work on change and innovation provides practical ideas to assist you to engage with your team on your path towards quality improvement.
How to Make an Improvement Map
Webinar 3 discussed the Improvement Map. The Improvement Map is designed to inspire the practice team with a sense of purpose and allow them to experience the joy of discovery. The map uses the ABCD scaffold and guides you on your quality improvement journey by prompting you to develop a specific
Aim with measurable outcomes, to outline the
Benefits of your improvement idea, to develop the
Changes required to bring about the improvement, and the things you need to
Do to achieve your improvement idea.
Learn more about NCPHN’s PCMH Program and how to get involved.
Register here for the next webinar or watch the ones you’ve missed.