Southern Cross University is conducting a research project that aims to better understand the experiences of carers in the Coffs Harbour to Port Macquarie region. The purpose of the project is to inform government policy on how to better support carers and improve their employment, education and health prospects. The project is called: The impact of the new disability support environment (National Disability Insurance Scheme) on regional carers.
Southern Cross University is seeking to interview carers of NDIS participants in the Mid North Coast region. All that is required is to take part in three individual interviews over 18 months at a location of your convenience. You will receive a $50 grocery shopping voucher for every interview you undertake.
If you choose to be involved in this project, you will be helping to improve carer’s experiences with the NDIS. Participation is voluntary and confidential.
For further enquires and information please email Professor John Hurley at: [email protected]
Expressions of interest are needed by the middle of October 2018.