The uptake of My Health Record (MyHR) continues to grow in our region, with people experiencing greater continuity of care as Shared Health Summaries become available to health professionals.
More than 93,000 people in the NCPHN footprint now have an active My Health Record and more than 53% of these have been through the assisted registration process at their general practice. This is a great result.
Many GPs and practice nurses are uploading Shared Health Summaries with a “business as usual” attitude, recognising that the system will become more useful the more it is used. An accurate and up to date Shared Health Summary helps other clinicians involved in the cycle of patient care. NCPHN regularly promotes and supports hospital staff, specialists, allied health professionals and pharmacists to register and work effectively with My Health Record.
NCPHN has recently partnered with Northern NSW Local Health District as part of an eHealth awareness campaign for hospital staff. This has seen a significant increase in the amount of views of Shared Health Summaries for incoming patients via their clinical system.
NCPHN also plans to soon do the same with the Mid North Coast Local Health District. For this growth to continue, it will rely upon up to date patient information being available within the MyHR platform.
Support is available for general practices through our QI Practice Support team who are helping practice staff to embed the uploading of health summaries into routine patient care.
With the recent implementation of the CATPlus suite of tools, practices can access reports through Cat4 (Clinical Audit Tool) to track their activity with uploading of Shared Health Summaries as part of their day to day business of patient care.
You can find the Cat4 Recipe for Shared Health Summaries (SHS) uploaded by the practice here.
For information about the CATPlus suite of tools, contact your NCPHN Practice Support Officer.
For health professionals outside of general practice who wish to know more about My Health Record, please contact Tony Browne, Senior Project Officer, Digital Health. Phone 02 6618 5405 or 0408 947 372 or email: [email protected]