As Close the Gap Day approaches on Thursday 16 March, practitioners are reminded that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific MBS billing codes are available, and allow these patients access to the most appropriate care as well as some additional care items.
715 Health checks:
The 715 health check is specifically designed to meet the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Using the correct 715 check will help to facilitate the early detection, diagnosis, and referral for chronic conditions.
715 health assessment proformas are available for the following age groups:
Click here for more information.
Follow-up services provided by a Practice Nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner
MBS Item 10987 allows Indigenous people who have received any MBS health assessment item to access Medicare rebates for follow up services provided by a practice nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner.
The MBS follow-up service item may be used to provide:
Click here for more information.
Allied health follow-up items
MBS Allied health items 81300 to 81360 are available to people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, on referral from their GP following a health assessment.
Eligible patients are entitled to a maximum of five (5) allied health services each calendar year. These items may be used in addition to allied health services for patients with chronic disease under MBS items 10950-10970S. The five services can be provided by one eligible allied health professional (e.g. five physiotherapy services) or a combination of allied health professionals (e.g. one dietetic, two podiatry and two physiotherapy services).
Click here for more information.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment
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