Many residents of Bellingen Shire are still expressing shock at being threatened or impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires, as historically this has been seen as an area not prone to burn. The unprecedented bushfires highlighted the need for community to pull together, to know where to turn to for accurate information, to know who needs looking out for, to know who they can ask for practical help when Emergency Services are overwhelmed and friends may be geographically distant, to have a central hub where volunteers can offer assistance. The communities’ feelings of powerlessness in the face of the bushfire crisis directly led to the establishment of the Neighbourhood Care Network.
This is a grassroots program supporting the Neighbourhood Care Network in the transition from a one-off crisis response to an ongoing community resource that will be used to support older, vulnerable and isolated people and increase social connectedness. In the event of a crisis, it would be scaled up to serve the community and emergency services as an information hub.