This funding is to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic health conditions who access Werin Aboriginal Corporation.
Care Coordination and Supplementary Services (CCSS) is a component of the Integrated Team Care (ITC) Activity.
Care Coordination is provided by qualified health workers, which include nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers, to support eligible patients to access the services they need to treat their chronic disease according to the General Practitioner (GP) care plan. The work of a Care Coordinator can include providing clinical care, arranging the services in patients’ care-plans and assisting patients to participate in regular reviews by their primary care providers.
Care Coordinators have access to a Supplementary Services Funding Pool when they need to expedite a patient’s access to an urgent and essential allied health or specialist service, or the necessary transport to access the service, where this is not publicly available in a clinically acceptable timeframe. The Supplementary Services Funding Pool can also be used to assist patients to access GP-approved medical aids.