Applications are now open for primary health care (PHC) services to apply to take part in the National Indigenous Bowel Screening Pilot.
The National Pilot aims to increase the participation of Indigenous Australians in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP). Indigenous participation in the NBCSP is estimated at less than half that of other Australians (19.5% compared to 42.7% respectively).
The Department of Health has funded the Menzies School of Health Research to prepare for and implement the National Pilot. Consultations found many of the barriers to screening could be addressed if patients received a screening kit from a trusted health professional at their local PHC service, instead of through the usual mail-out model of the NBCSP.
PHC services accepted into the National Pilot will be able to provide NBCSP kits directly to their Indigenous patients aged 50 to 74 (the eligible age range for the NBCSP). The National Pilot will run for 12 months and provide resources and training for 50 services to take part across the country.
The National Pilot will be open to PHC services with a majority Indigenous patient population or those with at least 50 Indigenous patients aged 50 to 74 that want to make improving Indigenous participation in bowel screening an organisational priority.
These services may include:
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) – also often known as Aboriginal Medical Services (AMSs).
- PHC services run by state or territory health services.
- Private or corporate general practices.
- Other types of PHC services.
Applications close 10 July 2018.
For more information, or to register your interest, visit the Indigenous Bowel Screen website or contact the project team at Menzies on (07) 3169 4213 or email [email protected].