Wesley LifeForce Aftercare offers psychosocial support to people who are at risk or who have previously attempted suicide in the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area.
In 2019, 3,318 people were lost to suicide in Australia. 29,434 people were hospitalised due to intentional self-harm. In NSW, 937 people died of suicide and 6,947 people were hospitalised due to self-harm (AIHW, 2021).
The service offers:
- one-on-one support for up to 14 weeks
- peer and carer support groups
- suicide awareness and prevention training.
To be eligible for Wesley LifeForce Aftercare, the person must:
- be 18 years or older
- live in the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area
- not currently be supported by another suicide aftercare service
- have thoughts of ending their life that they may act on, or have recently attempted to end their life.
Referral process
- Health professionals, service providers or self-referral enquiries can be made via email at [email protected] or by phoning 02 5646 5718.
- Wesley LifeForce Aftercare is a committed assertive aftercare service and will contact the client within two business days. The referrer will be informed of the outcome of the referral intake as well as on discharge from the service.
Download a referral form (Word)
Wesley LifeForce Aftercare is partnering with the University of New England to evaluate the impact of this evidence-based pilot program.