Pharmacists can now earn CPD points while getting ready and registered for My Health Record.
My Health Record (MyHR) online training modules for pharmacists are available via the Australian Digital Health Agency.
There are five Pharmacy eLearning modules:
Each module is accredited for 0.5 hours of Group 1 CPD (or 0.5 CPD credits) suitable for inclusion in an individual pharmacist’s CPD plan. These convert to 0.5 hours of Group 2 CPD (or 1 CPD credit) upon successful completion of assessment activities.
Click here to access the training modules.
The NCPHN MyHR expansion team are helping pharmacies across the region to get prepared for the national expansion of MyHR.
The team is here to help you with all things MyHR to:
If you’d like us to help you with the process, please contact us at: [email protected]
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