Measles Alert
NSW Health has issued a measles alert for general practitioners.
- There have been 52 measles cases notified so far this year, compared to just 19 cases last year.
- Most cases have been in adults aged 20-44 years, including some who had been vaccinated.
- Measles continues to be imported by travellers from many countries,
including New Zealand. - Some recent cases have had no history of travel or contact with known cases.
- Consider measles in returning travellers with fever, and in anyone with
fever and a maculopapular rash. - Immediately isolate suspected measles cases and call your public health unit on 1300 066 055.
Click here for more information.
Syphilis in Women Alert
NSW Health has issued a syphilis alert for primary health care practitioners, antenatal services and sexual health services.
- There was a 60% increase in infectious syphilis notifications in women under the age of 46 years in NSW in 2018 compared to 2017. Notifications in 2019 remain elevated.
- Screen all pregnant women for syphilis early in gestation.
- Screen pregnant women considered at increased risk of an STI again at 24-28 weeks.
- Treat all pregnant women with syphilis urgently.
- Contact your local sexual health clinic or public health unit for advice and assistance.