We know it’s not always easy to fit educational visits into your busy schedule, but there’s no need to miss out.
Visits by NPS Clinical Services Specialists provide the latest, independent clinical evidence about medicines and medical tests relating to particular therapeutic topics. They offer health professionals the opportunity to discuss different therapeutic approaches and the choices available to them.
Visits are at no charge and you’ll receive topic-specific NPS MedicineWise publications, including patient resources.
And now, NPS MedicineWise offers virtual visits by their specialists at a time and place that’s convenient for you.
Osteoarthritis: practical tools for diagnosis & management
The latest practical advice and resources that can help improve the quality of life for your patients. Includes physical tests to assist with diagnosing osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, plus patient resources with information on exercises and weight management.
Neuropathic Pain: touchpoints for effective diagnosis & management (accreditation pending) (starts March 2018)
A simple approach to diagnosing neuropathic pain with confidence. Plus the latest evidence- based guidance on selecting medicines, including non-pharmacological strategies to consider when developing individualised management plans.
To request a virtual educational visit or find out more, contact your NPS MedicineWise Clinical Services Specialist or the Program Engagement Team on (02) 8217 8700 or email: [email protected]
RDN Recognises Long Serving North Coast GPs
Exploring the Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Context