There is a new haematologist at Mid North Coast Haematology in Port Macquarie.
Dr Riton Das has left the practice to work full-time in Sydney.
Dr Jock Simpson has joined the practice and moved with his family to Port Macquarie.
‘Jock is happily settling into Port Macquarie, and is excited to be part of the medical community on the Mid North Coast,’ said Dr Richard Stark from Mid North Coast Haematology.
Dr Jock Simpson grew up in northwest NSW, and has a long-held interest in quality haematology care for patients in regional communities. He received his medical degree from the University of NSW, graduating with honours in 2008. He undertook physician training at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and subsequently haematologist training across St Vincent’s Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital and St George Hospital. Jock then completed a fellowship year in clinical trials at the Calvary Mater Newcastle.
Jock is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists Australasia. He provides malignant and non-malignant haematology care, including on-call services at Port Macquarie Base Hospital and Port Macquarie Private Hospital.
‘Jock and I will be able to take over the haematological care of Dr Das’s patients,’ Dr Stark said. ‘For the time being new referrals should be addressed to Jock Simpson.’
Mid North Coast Haematology
Suite 3/2 Highfield Circuit
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
Ph: (02) 65814228
Fax: (02) 65814229