Healthy North Coast is inviting people with a lived experience of mental ill-health, health service providers and community organisations to join us in the co-design phase of the Mental Health Literacy Project.
What is the Mental Health Literacy Project?
The Mental Health Literacy Project is funded by the Commonwealth and led by the NSW Mental Health Commission.
This project aims to make it easier for people to get clear and simple information about their health, and to make it easier to access mental health services that are right for them.
Working with people with a lived experience of mental ill-health, Healthy North Coast will design, test and evaluate education and training activities for health professionals to ensure they meet people’s needs.
Co-design workshops
A series of co-design workshops will be held in the last week of October (Sun 25th to Sat 31st). During the co-design workshops, Healthy North Coast will provide a summary of the data gathered from a recent health literacy survey and the discussions held during the ideas generation workshops. Together, we will work to prioritise solutions for our region.
The three areas of focus are:
- What are we already doing well, what can we do to support existing activities?
- What are the gaps or challenges?
- What capacity building activities could be developed/utilised to support health professionals to improve health outcomes for people experiencing mental ill-health?
To register for the co-design workshops, please fill out the form below.
If you would like more information, please call Aimee McNeill, Senior Manager – Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs on 0437 737 191.