Click here to register for this event by 23 February 2018. Places are limited.
No other single cause of injury, including road trauma, costs the health system more than falls. In NSW each year, falls lead to approximately 27,000 hospitalisations and more than 400 deaths. More than one in three people aged 65 or over fall at least once a year and many fall more often. There has been extensive research demonstrating that many falls among older people can be prevented.
The Hasting Macleay Nurse Network evening on 27 February 2018 at Town Green Inn in Port Macquarie is an opportunity for nurses to network with your peers via education and World Café group discussions to learn skills and strategies to reduce falls and implement positive lifestyle changes for your patients.
Come along to learn from the following Falls Prevention experts and programs:
Falls Risk Assessments And Performing Strength And Balance Assessments
Anthony Best, Physiotherapy Manager, Hastings Macleay Network Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD)
Anthony is the Physiotherapy Manager Port Macquarie Base Hospital and has 18 years experience working in Public Health as a clinician and manager covering all health settings from community to acute. Anthony is the Lead facilitator in the local roll out and implementation of the Stepping On falls prevention Programs, associate lecturer to UNSW Medical School students and passionate about preventing falls.
Stepping On Program And Other Groups
Yvonne Muyambi, Health Promotion Officer | Healthy Communities MNCLHD
Yvonne has 6 years’ experience as a Health Promotion Officer holding positions in Dubbo in mental health promotion and in Port Macquarie in Falls Prevention and Healthy Eating and Active Living programs. She is currently the Stepping On Coordinator in the Hastings-Macleay Network
Medication And Falls
Rachel Taylor, Director of Pharmacy, Port Macquarie and Kempsey Epic Pharmacy
Rachel is currently the Director of Pharmacy for the Hastings Macleay Clinical Network. She has been a hospital pharmacist for over 25 years, and her professional interests include antimicrobial stewardship, oncology pharmacy, medication education and patient empowerment. She and her husband have lived in the local area for 15 years and are owned by two school age children and a very sweet rescue dog.
Clinical Resources And Tools
Kelly Meacham, Physiotherapist for the Hastings Macleay Transitional Aged Care Service MNCLHD
Kelly has been practicing physiotherapy for over 25 years and has worked with aged care clients for much of her career. Her interest in community based health care led her to complete a Graduate Certificate in Health Promotion and a Masters in Public Health (Primary Health Care).
Healthpathways And Falls Prevention
Dr Brenda Rattray, GP Clinical Lead North Coast Primary Health Network
Brenda is the GP Clinical Lead for HealthPathways and has been a practicing GP in the local area for the past 16 years. One of Brenda’s key clinical interests is aged care.
Click here to register for this event by 23 February 2018.
Places are limited.
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Upcoming Coffs Harbour Nurse Network Meeting Mar 1: Falls Prevention
HealthPathways Achievements for 2017