More than 90 percent of discharge summary errors are due to out of date information. Follow this guide to ensure your details are current.
- Refer to your general practice software providers or IT providers to check your configuration.
- Ensure the practice NASH certificate is up to date.
- Ensure that you have the most up-to-date version for your secure messaging, check with your secure messaging broker (SMB).
- Confirm your secure messaging broker is not experiencing issues.
- Ensure your GP software has the standard template configured. Refer to your software provider/IT provider.
- Ensure that the secure messaging broker has correctly configured delivery for the practice and has current GPs attached to the practice. If unsure, refer to your secure messaging broker to confirm.
Below is the default pathway/steps that practices should follow before contacting NSW Health.
Please note the Clinical Information Systems team have identified an error in the distribution of electronic discharge summaries to <The Practice X> or <The Doctor X>.
To ensure safe and timely information is received for ongoing care of the patient, please review the following steps and ensure details are up to date with your message broker.
If the practice or specific GPs are not receiving discharge summaries from NSW Health, follow the steps below (check with message broker/practice software) to ensure that the practice hardware and software are correctly configured and connected:
- Ensure that the practice hardware and software are correctly configured and connected.
- Ensure the practice NASH certificate is up-to-date.
- Provide the practice and the doctor details listed below to all of the following:
a. The GP broker the practice uses for secure message delivery.
b. The Local Health District that will be sending electronic discharge summaries to the practice.
c. The National Health Service Directory (NHSD). The NHSD is accessible to message brokers to look up missing information, and hopefully soon to NSW Health.
For all changes to practice/doctor details, please complete the online form with the following details.
Practice information:
- Practice name
- Practice address
- Practice phone
- Practice manager’s name, phone number and email address
- Practice IT manager’s name, phone number and email address
- Practice organisation identifier – the HPI-O number as per NASH certificate
- Message broker information
- Practice software
Doctor details (for each doctor in the practice):
- The doctor’s full name (as per AHPRA registration)
- The practitioner type (i.e. GP or specialist)
- All identifiers:
- Provider number – for the specific practice
- AHPRA / MED Number
If you are still receiving errors, please call the NSW Health Statewide Service Desk (SWSD) to log an eMR error ticket. Phone 1300 285 533, option 6, then press hash to bypass the request for a NSW Health employee number.
An alternative is to email [email protected], however phoning SWSD will provide you with a tracking number.