Last Chance to Have Your Say on the National Expansion of My Health Record
The Australian Digital Health Agency is asking for feedback from pharmacists and general practitioners on the My Health Record expansion plans.
The Australian Digital Health Agency is asking for feedback from pharmacists and general practitioners on the My Health Record expansion plans.
By the end of 2018, the My Health Record system will provide every Australian with a secure electronic health record unless they choose not to have one. The Australian Digital Health Agency is seeking feedback from Pharmacists and General Practitioners on next year's expansion plans.
The University Centre for Rural Health is working with other local organisations and community members to assess the impact of the April flood on the wellbeing of people in our region. This information will help prepare for future floods.
HealthSpeak columnist and financial adviser Michael Carlton from PECUNIA Private Wealth Management is keen to find out whether or not GPs and allied health professionals in the region would attend a specially designed presentation on financial matters.
Are you interested in cancer genetics? The Centre for Genetics Education is seeking input from GPs to assist with developing resources for cancer genetics.
The Northern NSW Local Health District and North Coast Primary Health Network have listened to your frustrations surrounding discharge summaries, and we want you to know that we are doing something about it!