Author: North Coast Population and Public Health
Syphilis cases on the Mid North Coast and Northern NSW continue to leave sexual health services concerned. A major concern is the increase in cases among women of childbearing age and heterosexual men. This raises the risk of cases of congenital syphilis.
Staff Specialist with Mid North Coast Local Health District, Dr. Kym Collins said that “The syphilis outbreak on the Mid North Coast is in a very different cohort, previously focused among men who have sex with men. We believe the risk factors for our outbreak include being young, heterosexual, experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, recent methamphetamine use, and recent incarceration of the case or their partners. Aboriginal people are also over-represented in the statistics.”
GPs should receive a letter from public health following any positive serology.
“If GPs have a positive syphilis case in a pregnant person, I encourage them to call the Local Health District Sexual Health Service for advice and referral,” said Dr Collins.
The treatment of syphilis is simple and involves two injections of benzathine benzylpenicillin as per the Australian STI Guidelines. There is a worldwide shortage of the benzathine benzylpenicillin (Bicillin L-A) pre-filled syringes.
An alternative 1,200,000-unit product available from ORSPEC Pharma from the United Kingdom (UK) has been approved for supply under Section 19A (S19A) of the Therapeutic Goods Act. For more information follow the link to the NSW Safety Alert Broadcast.
Late last year the NSW Chief Health Officer recommended that all pregnant women are screened for syphilis at least twice during pregnancy. Some maternity services on the North Coast are aiming for a third screen, usually at 36 weeks. All pregnant women who have received minimal or no antenatal care, or are at risk of missing an appointment, should be opportunistically screened, regardless of gestation.
North Coast Population and Public Health has initiated a number of responses to the syphilis outbreak, including in-services, webinars, social media resources, updating procedures and devoting resources to data and information.
NCPPH continues to monitor and manage the outbreak as a matter of priority. For any questions, they can be reached on 1300 066 055.
HealthPathways information:
Syphilis pathway
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