The Schedule 8 Medinces HealthPathway provides information about when and how to apply for authority to prescribe a drug of addiction – Pain Management.
The HealthPathways team have updated the pathway to alert users that the Application for Authority to Prescribe a Drug of Addiction – Pain Management Form is now available for upload into your clinical software, including Best Practice, Medical Director and Genie.
Below is an extract from the Schedule 8 Medinces HealthPathway about how to complete the application form.
To prescribe S8 medicines for clinical research, an application must include a copy of the research proposal with approval from an ethics committee constituted in accordance with the guidelines issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
Completing the application form
- Complete the Application for Authority to Prescribe a Drug of Addiction – Pain Management. This form is also available in Medical Director, Best Practice and Genie.
- Compile any relevant specialist consultant reports available to accompany the application.
- Send via mail to Pharmaceutical Services, NSW Ministry of Health, Locked Mail Bag 961, North Sydney NSW 2059 or fax to (02) 9424 5889.
- For advice, phone (02) 9424 5923.
Please contact your relevant clinical software provider for assistance if you have any difficulty locating the form.
For a list of all localised pathways see:
Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways
Username: manchealth
Password: conn3ct3d
For further information about HealthPathways, email [email protected] or [email protected].