On 18 & 19 February 2020, the Centre for Healthcare Knowledge & Innovation will host a celebration of regional partnerships as part of its Revisiting Aboriginal Wellbeing series. This two-day event is based on the principal belief that Indigenous health must be approached from a holistic view, which encompasses body, mind and spirit.
Revisiting Aboriginal Wellbeing: A Celebration of Regional Partnerships
18 & 19 February 2020
Angourie Rainforest Resort
Yamba NSW
A Celebration of Regional Partnerships will showcase a range of culturally responsive North Coast NSW partnerships based on the themes of:
- Connection to land or country.
- Connection to spirituality and ancestors.
- Connection to family, kinship and community.
- Connection to mind and body.
Listen to and reflect upon the stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, artists, early childhood educators, consultants, health and social care providers, community service and community program leaders. Draw from, nourish and build relationships and gain practical, culturally inclusive strategies to write into your everyday practice.
Register before 31 January 2020 and attend both days, plus the dinner for just $125! (Accommodation is available at Angourie Rainforest Resort for an additional cost.)
This event is for:
- Government Departments and Agencies
- Public and Private Healthcare Providers
- Local Health Districts
- Primary Health Networks
- Community-Controlled and Allied Health Services
- Not-for-Profit Organisations
- Aboriginal Corporations and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
- Health & Land Councils and Associations
- Education providers/researchers
Speakers include:
- Nadia Neal, Reconciliation Australia
- Rod Williams, Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian People
- Kutcha Edwards, Indigenous Singer and Songwriter (KEYNOTE)
- Marni Tuala, North Coast Primary Health Network & Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses & Midwives (CATSINaM)
- Nicole Turner, Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA)
- Karl Briscoe, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association (NATSIHWA)
Download the full program here and share this event with your networks.
Following the conference, the Centre will embark on a Cultural Determinants of Health Webcasts Series, facilitated by Professor Kerry Arabena. This will be delivered in the same format as its Social Determinants of Health Webcast Series which concluded in November 2019.