Several opportunities are available for primary care clinicians to help design programs that will help the whole health system work better.
A number of clinicians are needed to provide input into the following:
Primary Care Advisory Group – High Risk Foot Services
One General Practitioner and three Allied Health Clinicians with an interest in the topic area of Diabetes – High Risk Foot Services. Ongoing attendance is obligation free. Download a flyer for more information.
Prescription Opiate Treatment Program
Two General Practitioners and one Community Pharmacist and/or Psychologist are needed. Download the Terms of Reference for more information.
Participants will be remunerated for their time in accordance with the NCPHN Stakeholder Remuneration Policy.
Please express your interest in any of these roles by emailing [email protected].
Aboriginal Cancer Prevention Project
Expressions of Interest are sought from General Practitioners interested in filling the role of GP Stakeholder on the Aboriginal Cancer Prevention project.
This project will support the achievement of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework as well as the Cancer Institute NSW Cancer Plan. NCPHN will bring together local AMSs, local general practices, the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) and the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) to work with North Coast Aboriginal communities to increase cancer screening participation rates and reduce the burden of cancers across the North Coast footprint.
Remuneration for time spent in meetings will be available in accordance with the NCPHN Stakeholder Remuneration Policy.
Interested GPs are asked to submit an expression of interest, detailing why they are interested in the role and outlining any relevant experience in the area of Cancer Screening or Aboriginal Health.
For more information, or to submit your EOI, please contact Meg Baker at [email protected] by COB Friday 26 October 2018.