Free webinars are available for GPs and other health professionals in the Mid North Coast region to assist in the management of patients living with chronic pain. Priority placements are given to those working in Kempsey, Nambucca, Bowraville, Grafton, Wooli/Minnie/Ulmarra inner surrounds, Maclean, Yamba and Iluka.
There is only one place left for the next webinar commencing 6 August 2019. To register, phone (02) 9463 1516 or email [email protected].
The training aims to improve the assessment and ongoing management of patients experiencing long-term pain. You can help guide patients towards self-management and a reduction of their pain medication, especially opioid reduction, over time.
The Pain Management Research Institute at the University of Sydney is delivering the webinars over a seven-week block, which comprises a 90-minute evening session once a week. Each webinar is conducted out of hours, and all course materials and resources are provided free of charge.
These webinars have been made possible by funding from North Coast Primary Health Network, saving a potential cost to the participant of $800.
There are only two more being run this year (commencing 9 Oct and 22 Oct) and only three more possibilities to do these webinars in 2020: 6 Feb, 19 Feb and 3 March. Sign up now as places are filling up fast.
Please ensure you can commit to the entire course of seven consecutive weeks before signing up as places are limited to only 10 participants per webinar.
Click here to visit the HealthPathway for Chronic Pain.
For a list of all localised pathways see:
Mid and North Coast Localised Pathways
Username:Â manchealth
Password:Â conn3ct3d
For further information about HealthPathways contact:
- [email protected]Â (HealthPathways Coordinator MNC)
- [email protected]Â (HealthPathways Coordinator NNSW)