Whatever your age and whatever stage of your nursing journey you’re at, the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is here to help nurses flourish.
APNA’s Transition to Practice Program is a 12-month education, support and mentoring program for nurses new to primary health care. Nurses who are transitioning into primary health care will be matched with an experienced nurse mentor.
APNA is looking for:
- Nurses new to primary health care, both recently graduated and experienced.
- Engaged, motivated and committed nurses with more than four years’ experience in primary health care to become clinical and professional mentors.
Remuneration is provided to complete training and work with mentees.
Learn more at: www.apna.asn.au/transitiontopractice
Applications close Friday 28 June.
The Transition to Practice Program has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.