On 26 November 2018, a new training requirement for prescribers of the yellow fever vaccine will be introduced along with new National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers.
All medical practitioners and nurse practitioners prescribing the yellow fever vaccine will be required to successfully complete the online Yellow Fever Vaccination Course (the Course).
Why is the Department of Health introducing this requirement?
Australia is introducing an individual training requirement to improve patient safety and clinical decision making in regards to yellow fever vaccination. This brings Australia in line with other countries across the world that require accreditation of individual practitioners delivering the vaccine, in addition to accreditation of Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres.
Unlike other vaccines, the yellow fever vaccine has international certification requirements which must be completed in line with the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (2005).
Previously, Australia has only required accreditation of the practice as a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre. Completion of the Course will now form the individual accreditation requirement for practitioners at these Centres.
Who is required to complete the Yellow Fever Vaccination Course?
All medical practitioners (and nurse practitioners approved by the relevant state/territory health authority) currently prescribing, or seeking to prescribe the yellow fever vaccine are required to complete the Course.
How long do I have to complete the course?
If you are currently prescribing the vaccine at an approved Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, you are required to complete the Course within the next three years, i.e. by 26 November 2021.
If you have not prescribed the yellow fever vaccine before and intend to practise at a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, you will need to complete the course before prescribing the vaccine.
I am not a doctor or nurse practitioner. Can I still complete the course?
The Course is freely available for anyone who wishes to complete the course for their own learning and development.
How do I access the course?
As of 26 November 2018, the Course will be hosted on the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine’s (ACRRM) online learning platform: Yellow Fever Vaccination Course.
Select ‘enrol’ (or login if you are an ACRRM member) and you will be able to immediately access the course.
You do not have to be a member of ACRRM to access the course.
What do I have to do after I complete the course?
Upon successful completion of the Course you will be required to print or save a completion certificate and provide it to the Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre in which you intend to practise. The Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre will provide your completion certificate to the relevant state/territory health authority.
How often do I have to renew my accreditation?
Accreditation is valid for three years, after which you will have to complete the course again. Course content will be maintained and updated when required by the Australian Government Department of Health.
What is the role of Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in managing individual accreditation?
Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres will be required to provide details of all its vaccine providers to the relevant state/territory health authority.
Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres must maintain a list of accredited practitioners and inform the state/territory health authority when practitioners join or leave the centre (see the National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers).
What is the purpose of the National Guidelines for Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres and Providers?
The Guidelines aim to provide a nationally consistent approach to yellow fever vaccination while reducing administrative burden. Accreditation of vaccination centres and providers is at the discretion of the relevant state/territory health authority.
What information is included in the guidelines?
The guidelines contain:
- Information about yellow fever and vaccination.
- References with additional information.
- Guidance on administrative procedures for accreditation of centres and providers.
- Conditions applying to, and model forms for use by, Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres.
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