Bowel Health and Screening Flipchart and Facilitator Manual Resources now available
The Cancer Institute NSW has released a new Bowel Health and Screening Flipchart Resource and Facilitator Manual.
Containing all the essentials about bowel cancer, bowel cancer screening and the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program, the flipchart is designed to support multicultural health and community organisations to deliver bowel screening education to culturally and linguistically diverse community members.
The flipchart is available in English, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Greek and Vietnamese.
In addition to the flipchart, a facilitator manual has been developed to provide further guidance about planning and delivering bowel screening education in a group setting. It includes a planning checklist, optional activities and group discussion points and an evaluation form template.
Click here to view or order free printed resources.
Poo, Poke, Post – it’s so easy!
The Tasmanian Government has released a new advertisement promoting bowel cancer screening. The message is: “Bowel cancer can be a real killer if you’re over 50… so remember…. POO, POKE, POST!”
Show this to your patients the next time you start the conversation about bowel cancer screening!